Brain & Mental Health

The power of the mind…

It can make or break the quality of our life, and the end of our life. 

The methods used to both diagnose and treat what we perceive as mental illness are flawed. 

Nearly 25% of the US population will experience some form of mental illness during their lifetime. How it’s determined that someone has a mental illness is done predominantly by symptoms – not by testing. Anxiety, depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder all contain some measurable biochemical and genetic component. 

Day to day mood can be measured, and is influenced by the food we eat, the bacteria in our gut, the DNA in our genes, the hormones in our bodies – not just by the events of the day. The disruptions of mood can also be measured, in addition to our likelihood that it can be disrupted. Yet, standard medical practice almost never measures these things, and largely treats the symptoms with the same types of medications. 

Even if we make it through our lives unscathed by mental illness, the likelihood of developing cognitive impairment is relatively high – even higher for women. What we know now, though, is that even with suspected genetic factors, most cases of cognitive impairment are likely preventable. This is largely ignored – the fact that, with time and effort we can substantially reduce development and severity of these debilitating, end of life conditions. 

You have the power to control your mind.