Help for Autoimmunity, Brain, Metabolic, and Hormone Health, Digestion, and Beyond

How can we address the issue if we don’t know what it is? 

That’s where Functional Medicine comes in. 

Functional Medicine is really just medicine. Find the cause. Fix the problem. The vast majority of generally practiced medicine is based on symptoms and how to mask or control them – but not how to get rid of them entirely, or stop the progression of disease.

Functional Medicine is different. Through testing (sometimes advanced, and sometimes very simple), we’re able to discern the cause from the effect. Labs, imaging, history, physical examination – all of these tell the story of how things first started, and what we can do to get back normal function. By dissecting the issue to its cause, we can eliminate the effects. Together. 

The goal is to return you, back to you. 

Functional Medicine is about thinking logically